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The Y is a leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We are a powerful association of men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life joined together by a shared passion: to strengthen the foundations of community.

With a commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living, and fostering a sense of social responsibility, we work side-by-side with our neighbors every day to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. To do our important work, the Y relies on support from members, donors, volunteers and community leaders.

Anchored in neighborhoods throughout Silicon Valley, the Y believes that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our community. Every day our impact is felt when a mentor inspires a child, when an individual makes a healthy choice, and when the community comes together for the common good.

The Y is, and always will be, dedicated to building healthy, confident, connected and secure children, adults, families and communities. There is no other nonprofit quite like the Y. Be a part of a cause committed to moving people and communities forward. Explore our site or visit your nearest Y today.

Some support for other languages may be available. Please contact for more information.

Select programs may be available for special needs programs and other support may be available. Please contact for more information.

Financial Assistance

At the Y, we’re here to strengthen community. The Y is accessible to all people. No one is denied membership because of inability to pay.

Financial assistance is offered to individuals and families who cannot afford membership. These funds come from the generosity of donors to our Annual Campaign.

With financial assistance, thousands of kids, adults and families can benefit from YMCA membership and programs like youth sports, swim lessons, child care, parent-child activities, day and overnight camps, teen leadership activities, health and wellness activities that address obesity and disease, activities to help people feel connected in the community, and more. As a result, we are:

  • Preparing children for learning, enriching them during the summer, and complementing the education process year-round

  • Supporting community members in preventing and fighting disease and obesity, and achieving balance in their lives

  • Building a caring network of people throughout our community that support one another and value our youth

If you or someone you know needs financial assistance to join, stop by the Y or download an application today. We handle all applications confidentially.

Sibling Pricing

Families who enroll multiple children in summer day camp programs are eligible for sibling pricing. After enrolling a child in day camp, each sibling enrolled after will receive a 10% reduction in day camp fees.

After checking out, you will receive an email confirmation within two business days with instructions to login to your account to view your new camp fee balance. This balance will reflect the reduced sibling day camp fees.

Accredited Camp Programs

All YMCA of Silicon Valley Camps are accredited by the American Camp Association(ACA).

ACA is the only independent accrediting organization reviewing camp operations in the country. ACA's nationally recognized standards program focuses primarily on program quality, health, and safety aspects of a camp's operation. ACA's accreditation is administered through a peer-review process.

ACA collaborates with experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, and other youth-serving agencies to assure that current practices at the camp reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp operation

What is the difference between a Facility Membership and a Program Membership?

With a Facility Membership, you have full access to the YMCA facility that you join. This includes fitness centers, group exercise classes, lap and recreational swimming, and supervised activities for your child while you’re at the Y. You also receive a free fitness orientation and priority registration for programs. As a facility member, you can participate in most programs at no additional cost. To participate in programs with fees, facility members can take advantage of reduced fees.

A Program Membership is for those who want to enroll in a particular class or program, such as swim lessons, youth sports, or child care, and do not wish to have full access to the YMCA facility. General usage of the YMCA facility is not included. A nominal annual fee is required for a Program Membership. Additional fees apply per class or program.
